DirectX 11 free download cnet

(2 program downloads found)
  • DirectX 11
    DirectX Icon

    … installer requirement for complex graphics on the latest NVIDIA, AMD and Intel graphics cards. . DirectX 11 is a version of Microsoft's popular DirectX graphics technology. It is used for creating high-end games and other multimedia applications that …

    using the DirectX APIs. The Microsoft DirectX ® End-User Runtime provides updates to 11 and previous versions of Direct X — the core Windows® technology that drives high-speed multimedia and games on the PC. Direct3D 11 is out and ready for More about DirectX
  • GOM Player
    GOM Player Icon

    … Player is a free multimedia player with popular video codecs built-in. If you're sick of mucking about with required codec packs and missing decoders, then GOM Player might just become your favourite all-in-one media player. Unlike other …

    for AVI files, and Unicode support among others. You can download GOM Media Player for PC offline installer from the site by clicking on the free download button. Also Available : Download GOM Cam - The most complete recording program possible to More about GOM Player
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