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Visual Boy Advance 1.7.2
Game Emulator App: Enables users to play classic Nintendo Game Boy.
ClrMamePro 4.048
ROM Manager: Ensures the compatibility and completeness of ROM sets by comparing them against verified reference data.
ScummVM 2.9.0
Scumm Emulator: Software emulator that allows users to play classic point-and-click adventure games on computers.
AndY Android Emulator 47.260
Android Emulator: Run Android apps and games on a computer.
Bsnes 106r44
Nintendo Emulator: Replicates the functionality of the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) to run classic games on PCs.
Emu Loader 8.11
Emu Loader: Graphical user interface for launching and managing classic arcade games on Windows operating systems.
blueMSX 2.8.2
MSX Emulator: Play classic MSX games on computer.
SainT 2.40
Saint Emulator: Replicates the functionality of the Atari gaming console on computers for nostalgic gameplay experiences.
WinUAE 4.0.1
Hardware Emulator: Emulation program that replicates the functionality of an iconic home computer system from the 80s.
Emulators Organizer 6.8.500
Emulator Organizer: Organize and streamline gaming emulator collection for a hassle- retro gaming experience across various platforms.