… . Aircrack is a program which helps you choose strong WPA-PSK passwords by helping you find vulnerabilities in your current network setup. Recovering lost or forgotten WEP and WPA-PSK keys on wireless networks just got a lot easier with aircrack-ng. The … Read more
the chipset in your wireless card Determine which of the three options you will use to run the Aircrack-ng suite Get started using the Aircrack-ng suite More about aircrack
Note: aircrack 1.1 is the latest version of the program since LO4D.com staff last checked. It is the most recent version to be tested against viruses and malware.
Recover WEP and WPA wireless network keys.
Wireless network capturing tool on 802.11a/b/g/n adapters which analyzes and captures traffic as well as decrypting keys.
A free WiFi wireless hotspot that can share access with friends.
Manage wireless connections in Windows XP/Vista!
A free wireless network finder.
Share WiFi network with friends, co-workers, and mobile devices.
Wireless Network Discovery, Site Survey and Connection Manager Utility.
Software application which assists in recovering lost serial numbers and product keys.
Provides additional security options for wireless WiFi networks.
Recover files that have been lost.
WiFi password revealer will show stored passwords for your wireless networks.
A free and awesome wireless network security scanner.
Searches for free wireless networks in the area with a radar-like desktop widget.
A set of tools for improving security on wireless networks.