2D animation creator

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  • Reallusion CrazyTalk Animator 3.31
    Reallusion CrazyTalk Animator Icon

    Software to create cool 2D animations

    … to create cool 2D animations. Create movies with easy-to-animate 2D actors & scenes.. Crazy Talk Animator is an animation tool which adds a level of animation to 2D graphics, with the previews by Reallusion resembling Japanese animation art. This program … Read more

  • Screenshots of Reallusion CrazyTalk Animator (1)

    1. Easy GIF Animator Icon
      Easy GIF Animator GIF animation editor

      Powerful yet easy to use software for creating and editing animated GIF images.

      Features and highlights:
      • Easily create attention-grabbing animated text.
      • Add visual effects like sparkles, zoom, rotate etc.
      • Save your animation as SWF Flash or AVI Video file.
      • Add, remove, edit, move, swap, duplicate and extract one or more files at once.
      • Customize frame duration
    2. Animate Me! Icon
      Animate Me! Image animator

      Animate Me! creates gif animations on the base of effects quickly and easy.

      Features and highlights:
      • Builds animation on the base of list of animation effects.
      • Creates GIF and AVI- files from command line in batch mode.
      • Defines animation parameters: count of frames, delay and number of loops.
      • Loads background picture for created animation from BMP, JPEG, PSD, PCX, PNG, TGA, GIF- files.
      • Manages the list of animation effects and edits parameters of each effect.
    3. Advanced GIF Animator Icon
      Advanced GIF Animator GIF animation

      Tool for creating animated GIF images, banners, buttons, and even movies.

      Features and highlights:
      • Comes with animation wizard.
      • Built-in image editing
      • Supports multiple file formats (incl. gif, jpg, png, psd).
      • Converts AVI video files
      • Supports all types of GIF variations.
    4. Stickman Icon
      Stickman 2D animation

      Stick figures are only the beginning!

    5. Adobe After Effects Icon
      Media Editor
      Adobe After Effects Motion graphics creator

      Compositing and animation streamlined for designers and animators.

    6. Synfig Studio Icon
      Synfig Studio 2D animation creator

      2D animation software with tweening, fluid motion and gradients with bitmaps and vector graphics.

    7. Stykz Icon
      Stykz Animation creator

      Create stick figure animations.

    8. OpenToonz Icon
      Image Editor
      OpenToonz Render animation

      Software for the production of 2D animation.

    9. Autodesk Maya Icon
      3D Editor
      Autodesk Maya 3D modeling

      Fully functional trial of the powerful CAD software to create and manage 3D models and realistic rendering engine.

    10. Blender Icon
      3D Editor
      Blender 3D modelling

      Powerful and professional 3D modelling software which can create models, animation, shading and works with a number of file formats.

    11. OBS Studio Icon
      Video Capture
      OBS Studio Screen capture

      Create and stream high quality videos to online services like YouTube and create offline video capture projects with lovely transitions.

    12. All My Movies Icon
      All My Movies Movie database

      Organize your movie collection and track loans with All My Movies.

    13. Boot Animation Factory Icon
      Boot Animation Factory Boot animation creator

      Create custom Android boot animations from animated GIF files.

    14. WindowFX Icon
      WindowFX Window animation

      Add drop shadows, morphing and more to Windows.

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