Cherrytree for Windows download

(2 program downloads found)
  • CherryTree for Windows 1.1.4
    CherryTree for Windows Icon

    … Document export: Export documents to HTML, PDF, and other formats

    you find more complex tools that are feature-packed, tailored for more advanced users, and at the middle, between proper for novice users and professionals, you have CherryTree. CherryTree is designed and delivered as a hierarchical note taking solution More about CherryTree for Windows
  • QOwnNotes
    QOwnNotes Icon

    … for Windows that works together with the notes application of Nextcloud and ownCloud. Its intuitive interface and powerful tools make it a great choice for note-taking, managing to-do lists, and writing drafts. QOwnNotes also offers several tools for …

    need to configure the ownCloud server access manually if you want to keep your notes synchronized, which might be difficult for less-experienced users. Comprehensive layout QOwnNotes comes with a feature-rich, user-friendly interface, thus providing you More about QOwnNotes
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