… setting. DEKSI USB Security allows you to block unauthorized USB devices from any PC or your entire network. DEKSI USB Security prevents unauthorized USB devices from being connected to your computer. DEKSI USB Security blocks unauthorized USB devices … Read more
unprotected ports is not a very easy task. Fortunately, there are enough solutions to mend such potential problems and DEKSI USB Security is one of them. Quick access and practical layout This program comes with a plain GUI, without any sort of adornment More about DEKSI USB Security
Quickly block any applications from accessing the Internet with firewall.
Software to block specific processes from running on Windows.
LAN messenger from Softros. Instant LAN messaging software for offices.
Free locking software which uses patterns as passwords on Windows similar to smartphones like the iPhone.
Provides functionality on you LAN to wake up a system, schedule system wake up or shutdown, sleep or hibernate a remote computer.
Software to easily lock folders on a PC filesystem.
Small tool locks your mouse and desktop when away and dims the desktop allowing only keyboard input.