DJ ProMixer Free

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  • DJ ProMixer Free 1.5
    DJ ProMixer Free Icon

    DJ ProMixer V1.5 Free, Professional DJ Software Low Cost & High Performance

    … ProMixer V1.5 Free, Professional DJ Software Low Cost & High Performance. DJ ProMixer is a professional DJ Software for Windows. Easy, complete and ergonomically designed for deejays, New features: Open functions, New design, Convert videos to MP3, … Read more

    application that enables users to mix professionally straight from their computers using multiple effects and tools Dj Promixer Free Home Edition is a simple to use tool created specially for DJs. It offers you a simple means of playing music as you would More about DJ ProMixer Free
  • Screenshots of DJ ProMixer Free (6)

    1. Adobe Audition Icon
      Media Editor
      Adobe Audition Sound mixer

      Adobe's Cool Edit Pro, now called Audition.

      Features and highlights:
      • Multitrack editing: Create and edit multitrack audio projects with multiple recordings.
      • Audio restoration: Repair and improve audio quality with powerful tools.
      • Mixing: Blend and combine audio for a professional sound.
      • Effects: Apply effects and filters to enhance your audio.
      • Vocal processing: Tune and shape vocals with high-end tools.
    2. Mixxx Icon
      MP3 Player
      Mixxx Mix creator

      Free DJ mixing software with cross-fading, library manager, equalizer and dual deck support.

      Features and highlights:
      • Beatmatching: Synchronize the tempo and beats of two songs for seamless transitions.
      • Crossfader: Blend two tracks together with a smooth transition.
      • Hotcues: Mark and jump to important points in a track.
      • Looping: Create and repeat sections of a track.
      • Sampler: Trigger one-shot samples and loops.
    3. ASIO4ALL Icon
      ASIO4ALL ASIO driver

      Control WDM audio drivers on older versions of Windows with a universal ASIO-based driver independent of manufacturers.

      Features and highlights:
      • Low-latency: Eliminates audio-related performance issues.
      • Multi-client: Allows multiple applications to access audio device simultaneously.
      • High-performance: Stable audio streaming even with heavy loads.
      • Universal: Compatible with a wide range of audio hardware.
      • ASIO: Access low-level audio functions with ASIO protocol.
    4. VoiceMeeter Icon
      VoiceMeeter Audio channel mixer

      Free and powerful audio mixer for Windows for ultimate audio control.

    5. GOM Mix Pro Icon
      Media Editor
      GOM Mix Pro Video editor

      Video editing software that works well for creating YouTube videos, adding effects and traditions to different types of video sources.

    6. Virtual DJ Home Icon
      MP3 Player
      Virtual DJ Home Audio mixer

      Virtual DJ software which adds many special effects to live music.

    7. UltraMixer Icon
      Media Editor
      UltraMixer Audio mixer

      UltraMixer is a mixing software for digital DJs which is easy to use while supporting MP3 files and CD audio.

    8. Audacity Icon
      Audacity Audio editor

      Free audio editing application that can record, remix, convert and save into many popular formats including WAV and MP3

    9. Dexster Icon
      Media Editor
      Dexster Audio editor

      Dexter can record and edit audio, adding sound effects.

    10. MixPad Icon
      Media Editor
      MixPad Audio mixer

      MixPad Professional is multi-track audio mixer designed for audio production.

    11. Nero SoundTrax Icon
      Media Editor
      Nero SoundTrax Audio mixer

      Mix digital music tracks or digitize your analog music collection.

    12. vMix Icon
      Media Editor
      vMix Video mixer

      Software to produce and create live productions and streams online.

    13. Adobe After Effects Icon
      Media Editor
      Adobe After Effects Motion graphics creator

      Compositing and animation streamlined for designers and animators.

    14. MixVibes Cross DJ Free Icon
      Media Editor
      MixVibes Cross DJ Free Music mixer

      DJing functions developed for CrossDJ.

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