eBook creator

(2 program downloads found)
  • KindleGen 2.9.1029
    KindleGen Icon

    … against Amazon Kindle Publishing Guidelines

    A simple utility that will enable you to quickly generate personalized e-books that can be made available for the users of Amazon's Kindle platform Creating e-books that can be made available for purchase through one of the most well-known online platforms More about KindleGen
  • HelpNDoc
    HelpNDoc Icon

    … Help authoring tool producing CHM, HTML, PDF, Word, ePub, Kindle documentation. HelpNDoc is an interesting documentation creator for software developers or anybody who is interested in creating a manual for a product or producing demonstrations. The visual …

    A useful and easy-to-use application worth having when you need to quickly create complete help files, manuals, documentations and eBooks Creating documentations, like help files, user manuals or any similar type of resource would not be possible without More about HelpNDoc
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