… a sluggish browser. Fasterfox is a Firefox addon which does a few things to speed up browsing speed. For one thing, it uses something which Google has started using in Google Chrome called prefetching. What this does is download links you might visit in … Read more
adjust the maximum number connections Firefox makes to each server and the download time will decrease drastically. To improve connection speed even more you can configure Fasterfox to use pipelining and send multiple requests to the server before receiving More about Fasterfox
The classic version of Microsoft Paint originally shipped with XP.
An easier way to manage your DNS settings.
Flagship web browser from Mozilla based on Gecko with password manager, improved security, fast web browsing, add-ons and development tools.
A free painting program, especially designed for young children.
A highly successful and popular freeware image editor with tons of different applicable uses.
Provides a quick way to swap through anonymous DNS services.
Comic book creation and editing software for Windows.
Improve the audio output of your sound card by increasing the volume with the help of hotkeys by boosting the loudness capabilities.
A fast 64-bit version of the Firefox web browser with all of the support for extensions, compiled directly from Mozilla's source code.
Improve performance of games by applying registry and other tweaks to Windows for optimal system settings for gaming.
Portable version of the versatile Firefox browser with support for passwords, history, bookmarks and of course the endless number of extensions and plugins available from Mozilla.
A real and effective way to free up memory when it's low.
Extensive suite of graphics and paint tools for creating stunning works of digital art with a focus on editing manga and comic book graphics.
A version of Mozilla Firefox for large organizations that's optimized for stability without major sudden changes.