Folder renamer

(2 program downloads found)
  • File Renamer Basic 6.3
    File Renamer Basic Icon

    … to batch rename files and folders. . File Renamer Basic is a powerful and yet easy to use program that allows the user to rename files, folders, and MP3 files with ease. It has a filename filter so …

    Additionally, you can set File Renamer Basic to automatically copy or move files after renaming them, preview results before applying changes, check or uncheck all files, create and save profiles, enable File Renamer Basic to automatically sort the More about File Renamer Basic
  • Bulk Rename Utility
    Bulk Rename Utility Icon

    … utility to rename files and folders with extremely flexible criteria. Bulk Rename Utility is a freeware application which does exactly what its name says it does. That is, it will rename files and folders based on the criteria you choose for it. It also …

    input text-file list Create an "Undo" batch file Log activity to a log file Change file and folder date/timestamps (created, modified, accessed) Change file/folder attributes (hidden, read-only, archived) All settings retained between sessions Rename photos More about Bulk Rename Utility
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