Inno setup extractor

(2 program downloads found)
  • Inno Setup 6.4.1
    Inno Setup Icon

    … Windows-based programs with lots of features. Inno Setup is a free installer for Windows programs. First introduced in 1997, Inno Setup today rivals and even surpasses many commercial installers in feature set and stability. Features include a wizard …

    pay close attention to every single step, everything should go pretty smoothly. To end with All in all, Inno Setup Compiler is one of the best setup builders out there. Creating scripts using the wizard is a task so simple that it can be carried out by More about Inno Setup
  • InnoExtractor
    InnoExtractor Icon

    … decompresses and unpacks Inno Setup packages. InnoExtractor is a powerful application that helps you to unpack Inno Setup installers using InnoUnp technology. With InnoExtractor you can explore the internal structure …

    Inno Setup packs It's wrapped in a user-friendly interface made from a normal window with a neatly structured layout, where you can drop an .exe to preview all internal files. Alternatively, you can instruct the tool to auto-scan a folder for all Inno More about InnoExtractor
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