Keyboard LaunchPad download

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  • Keyboard LaunchPad 1.6
    Keyboard LaunchPad Icon

    Easy hotkey software that can assign multiple hotkeys to different tasks on any program running on the PC

    … with custom scripts
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    Keyboard Launchpad - Assign hot keys to perform multiple actions on your system at once Keyboard Launchpad is a program that will allow you to quickly and easily assign hot keys to launch programs, visit URLs, paste saved clipboards, control individual More about Keyboard LaunchPad
  • Screenshots of Keyboard LaunchPad (5)

    1. HotKeyz Icon
      Windows Shell
      HotKeyz Shortcut control

      Work faster and more efficiently by using your keyboard instead of your mouse.

      Features and highlights:
      • Fast: Quickly access applications, folders and files, websites and documents with hotkey combinations.
      • Customizable: Create and assign hotkeys for every single task, from launching apps and opening files to running scripts and macros.
      • Easy to use: Designed to be straightforward and intuitive, so you can get up and running quickly.
      • Versatile: Assign hotkeys to open programs, files, folders and websites, as well as copy and paste text, run scripts and launch macros.
      • Automation: Create powerful automation scripts with the built-in macro editor.
    2. Hide Window Hotkey Icon
      Hide Window Hotkey Hider

      Hotkey-powered tool which can change the visibility and transparency of windows for a cleaner-looking desktop with less clutter.

      Features and highlights:
      • Hide any application window completely through Mouse Hotkey or Keyboard Hotkey.
      • Arrange the windows on taskbar based on your choice.
      • Quiet all sounds when hide program windows.
      • Password protect hidden windows.
      • Automatically maximize or minimize or normal all new windows you specify.
    3. AutoHotkey Icon
      AutoHotkey Script creator

      Software to customize keyboard and mouse hotkeys.

      Features and highlights:
      • Automation: Create macros and automate repetitive tasks.
      • Hotkeys: Assign hotkeys for commonly used actions.
      • Scripting: Create complex scripts for specific tasks.
      • Window Manipulation: Resize, move and manipulate windows.
      • Text Expansion: Expand phrases and words into longer snippets.
    4. Clavier+ Icon
      Clavier+ Keyboard shortcut

      Keyboard shortcut creating software utilities.

    5. Key Remapper Icon
      Key Remapper Keyboard mapper

      Key Remapper is an utility to remap or disable individual keys on your keyboard.

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