… OTS1/2 Installer adds a different taskbar to Windows, replacing what most are used to. You can access the virtual desktops available. Along with a change in the taskbar is a different file manager, text editor and a browser. Changes with Litestep OTS1/2 … Read more
utilities you will find Litestep OTS1/2 Installer, a shell replacement that will completely modify pretty much everything onto your system to give it a whole new look and implement new functionality. With Litestep OTS1/2 Installer onto your PC there will More about Litestep OTS1/2 Installer
Gives you access to tools removed from newer versions of Windows.
A portable tool which installs and removes Windows themes.
Analyze, scan, and benchmark your PC.
Brings back some of the removed features in new Windows versions.
Manage all your skins, themes, wallpapers, icons, etc. from a single interface.