Math calculator

(4 program downloads found)
  • RedCrab 8.3.1
    RedCrab Icon

    … scientific calculator that can create complex mathematical expressions and plot functions in a user-friendly way. Calculator software displayed in different numeric formats. RedCrab Calculator is a mathematics software with …

    with advanced math problems. Inexperienced users might need some time to figure out everything that this app can do. Mathematicians and people who work with complex and advanced math problems on a daily basis know that the Windows calculator is great, but More about RedCrab
  • Big Button Calculator 1.0
    Big Button Calculator Icon

    … a simple 10-digit display calculator with a large display and large buttons, styled after the big hand held calculators found in stores. It can add, subtract, multiply and divide, and has a memory feature as well. This calculator is meant for simple …

    calculator The Big Button Calculator sidebar gadget provides a big button and big display calculator. It was made for the big button people. It is a simple calculator with some nice features like auto clipboard save. It can also handle most math homework. More about Big Button Calculator
  • DeadLine Equation Calculator 2.36
    DeadLine Equation Calculator Icon

    … calculator and school help. . DeadLine is a mathematical assistant tool which can help solve complex mathematical equations, plot them in graphs and provide assistance to students who require extra help in algebra and mathematics. DeadLine …

    a random equation, use one of the samples provided by DeadLine, save the project to file for further modifications, use a calculator, as well as evaluate, derive or integrate a function. It is also possible to find local extrema, zoom in and out of the More about DeadLine Equation Calculator
  • EINSTEIN 4.2

    Extensive personal management software. Personal Information Manager, budget, calendar, financial, inventory, passwords. Einstein Personal Information Manager is a Windows application which allows users to enter an enormous amount of information into a …

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