Maxima download

(3 program downloads found)
  • Maxima 5.47.0
    Maxima Icon

    … sets, lists, vectors, matrices and tensors. Maxima yields high precision numerical results by using exact fractions, arbitrary-precision integers and variable-precision floating-point numbers. Maxima can plot functions and data in two and three dimensions. …

    and variable-precision floating-point numbers. Maxima can plot functions and data in two and three dimensions. Select version: Maxima 5.46.0 (32-bit) Maxima 5.46.0 (64-bit) Maxima is a Windows application designed to help users perform various More about Maxima
  • 7-max 5.0.0 Beta
    7-max Icon

    Memory optimization utility that can increase system performance and application execution. . 7-max is a Windows optimization program developed by the same guy behind 7-Zip. While it hasn't been updated for ages, it is still effective at increasing your …

    7-max speeds up the execution of applications up to 10-20% 7-max speeds up the execution of applications up to 10-20%. Memory manager in Windows system is not too effective. 7-max contains its own memory manager. You can run any application, so that More about 7-max
  • gnuplot 6.0.2
    gnuplot Icon

    … graph plotting application that uses statistics and numbers, Latex documents to create 2D and 3D graphs. Graphing utility for scientists, students and now, web developers. Gnuplot is a portable command-line driven graphing utility that was originally …

    order N Bessel functions of the 1st and 2nd kind modified Bessel functions multiple textbox styles Also Available: Download Gnuplot for Mac Gnuplot is an open-source project that targets scientists, students and researches, allowing them to plot and More about gnuplot
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