… High quality VoIP calls via SIP. MicroSIP is a simple and easy-to-use utility that allows you to make high quality VoIP calls via the open SIP protocol. Now, you can register a SIP account and use it with MicroSIP. You'll get free person-to-person calls …
MicroSIP is one of them, providing a simple method for keeping in touch with friends and acquaintances, regardless of their location. Based on the SIP protocol, the application can be used for running communication sessions using the PC. MicroSIP enables More about MicroSIP
Desktop softphone application for Windows with Voice Over IP protocol as an alternative to traditional landline telephone.
VoIP application and service with video chat, screen sharing and conference calling.
Free SIP client for making video and audio calls from your desktop.
Software that runs a fully-featured voice-over-IP calling and telephone system with contact management, logging, call recording and more with this softphone app.
A toolset of privacy and anonymous browsing tools including Tor, WASTE, VoIP and MicroSIP.
A free alternative voice-over-IP application with timeline feature.
Free VoIP and text chat app for use by gamers with security features.
Make calls between iDevices, tablets, PC and Android.
Free phone calls all around the world.
A portable, no-install version of the popular VoIP and IM program.
Make video and voice calls between a PC and mobile phone.
Softphone for PC-telephony using TAPI, CAPI or SIP plus answering machine.
Change the sound of your voice in real time when using Skype desktop.
Access your WhatsApp chats, groups, images and audio from a desktop PC but without support for audio or video calling.