Mouse jiggler download

(4 program downloads found)
  • Mouse Jiggler 2.1.0
    Mouse Jiggler Icon

    Creates fake mouse movements to emulate activity and disable screensaver. Mouse Jiggler is a small and sometimes helpful tool which will simulate mouse movement. The program itself really has no other functions other than faking mouse …

    from registering idle times Mouse Jiggler is a very simple piece of software whose sole function is to "fake" mouse input to Windows PC and jiggle the mouse pointer back and forth. Mouse Jiggler is a free product provided without warranty or support. More about Mouse Jiggler
  • jmouse 1.0
    jmouse Icon

    Software to replace your mouse with a joystick or joypad. JMouse is a small and very basic utility tool which can assign the function of your connect mouse to a connected joystick or joypad. The program is rather dated but …

    for PC or laptop with Windows 32 bit and 64 bit operating system. It is in keyboard and mouse category and is available to all software users as a free download. More about jmouse
  • Auto Key Presser 0.0.7
    Auto Key Presser Icon

    … this is a handy freeware utility that easily simulates keyboard usage even when you're not there. A little bit similar to Mouse Jiggler but for the keyboard. Auto Key Press is an application which can automatically press any specified keys repeatedly in a …

    applications made for keyboard macros. Suffice it to say that it doesn't work with the mouse so you have to resort to another program if you want to add the mouse to your macros. Have you heard about macro programs? These are programs that convert More about Auto Key Presser
  • Move Mouse 4.18.5
    Move Mouse Icon

    … tool to schedule simulation (or fake) mouse movements on a PC with access to PowerShell scripts. Quick and simple hack to simulate mouse movement on Windows. Move Mouse (for Windows 10 and Windows 11) …

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