Pad2mouse download

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  • Pad2mouse 3.11
    Pad2mouse Icon

    Allows you to control a computer using it pad or joystick

    … you to control a computer using it pad or joystick.. Pad2Mouse is a small freeware utility for Windows machines which allows users to control their cursor with a joystick, joypad or game … Read more

    using a joystick Pad2mouse is a small application that allows you to control a computer using a joystick. You will be able to use the pad instead of a mouse. You will be able to use your pad instead of your mouse while Pad2mouse is running. But to play More about Pad2mouse
  • Screenshots of Pad2mouse (1)

    1. Joystick 2 Mouse Icon
      Joystick 2 Mouse Joystick controller

      Map joystick buttons to mouse actions and use joystick as a mouse.

      Features and highlights:
      • Joystick emulation: Transform your joystick or gamepad into a fully functional mouse for precise control and navigation.
      • Customizable mappings: Map joystick buttons and axes to specific mouse actions and functions according to your preferences.
      • Cursor control: Navigate your computer screen effortlessly using the joystick or gamepad as a virtual mouse cursor.
      • Mouse emulation modes: Choose between different mouse emulation modes, such as relative or absolute positioning, to suit your needs.
      • Button configuration: Customize the joystick buttons to perform various mouse actions, including clicking, scrolling and more.
    2. DS4Windows Icon
      DS4Windows Playstation 4 controller

      Utility which controls profiles, maps buttons and more for Sony's DualShock 4 PS4 controller.

      Features and highlights:
      • Customization: Intuitive interface, adjustable settings.
      • Compatibility: Compatible with DualShock 4 controllers.
      • Automation: Automatically assign controller to connected devices.
      • Profiles: Manage profiles for different gaming scenarios.
      • Rumble: Experience enhanced haptic feedback.
    3. DS4Windows Icon
      DS4Windows Playstation 4 controller

      Emulates DualShock 4 controllers from the PS4 system on Windows.

      Features and highlights:
      • DualShock 4 controller support: Use your PlayStation DualShock 4 controller on your Windows PC.
      • Customizable controller mapping: Remap buttons and configure controller settings to suit your preferences.
      • Touchpad emulation: Emulate mouse movement and gestures using the DualShock 4 touchpad.
      • Gyroscope support: Utilize the DualShock 4's built-in gyroscope for motion control in supported games.
      • Profile management: Create and save multiple controller profiles for different games or configurations.
    4. AntiMicro Icon
      AntiMicro Gamepad mer

      Useful utility for mapping keyboard controls to a gaming controller.

    5. Remote Mouse Icon
      Remote Desktop
      Remote Mouse Remote control

      A server for the PC that allows you to emulate your remote phone or tablet to function as a keyboard and mouse.

    6. Joy2Key Icon
      Joy2Key Keyboard emulator

      Provides the ability to emulate key and mouse input with a game controller.

    7. TouchMousePointer Icon
      TouchMousePointer Touchpad emulator

      Improves touch screen functionality for certain apps on Windows.

    8. Cursor Hider Icon
      Cursor Hider Cursor hider

      An application which helps productivity by hiding the mouse cursor.

    9. Virtual CloneDrive Icon
      Virtual CloneDrive Drive mounter

      A free virtual DVD/CD drive emulator.

    10. X-Mouse Button Control Icon
      X-Mouse Button Control Button controller

      Modify and enhance the functioning of a mouse on Windows.

    11. DroidPad Icon
      DroidPad Joystick emulator

      Turns your cell phone or Android device into a game controller.

    12. Mouse Jiggler Icon
      Mouse Jiggler Mouse pointer

      Creates fake mouse movements to emulate activity and disable screensaver.

    13. Ubiquiti UniFi Controller Icon
      Ubiquiti UniFi Controller Network manager

      Management tool for use with wireless Ubiquiti network devices.

    14. jmouse Icon
      jmouse Mouse replacer

      Software to replace your mouse with a joystick or joypad.

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