… folder where the output files will be stored. -BD PDFTiger is a desktop application that quickly and accurately create PDF documents from Word, Excel, Powerpoint, txt or Images. PDFTiger can also convert PDF files into editable MS Word Documents, Rich … Read more
groups the essential settings. This time however PDFTiger also gives you the option to choose the pages you wish to convert, just in case you don’t want to process the entire document. PDFTiger works smoothly on all Windows versions on the market and More about PDFTiger
Stand-alone program that allows you to open and play PowerPoint presentations without Microsoft Office having been installed.
Legacy MS Word viewer with limited capabilities but with the ability to open DOC files and print them and toggle certain viewing options including highlight and bookmarks.
View Microsoft Excel files even if you lack MS Office or a license.
PDF conversion software that can cut, split, merge and rotate PDF documents with support for Microsoft Word Doc and DocX files.
Track differences and compare Microsoft Excel files and spreadsheets.
Fast and feature-packed word processing alternative.
A free Word alternative word processor with similar features.
Software to convert between PDF, HTML and Text.
Software to recover damaged or corrupted Excel XLS files.
Converter pdf to excell documents.
An alternative word processor application that can edit rich-text documents and open/edit Microsoft Word files without any fuss.
Alternative Office suite which can author different types of files including a word processor, spreadsheets, email and presentations like Microsoft's product.
A free, open-source word processor Microsoft Office alternative with Calc as Excel, Writer as Word and Impress as Powerpoint.
Microsoft Word recovery software.