Phone webcam

(2 program downloads found)
  • DroidCam 7.1.0
    DroidCam Icon

    … a wireless webcam that can be used as a video input device for video calls and streaming sessions. Use your Android phone or tablet as your PC's webcam input. DroidCam is a tool for the PC which allows users to use their cell phone as a webcam input …

    you do not have a webcam or you want to use the phone because is better, now you can. This software will connect your phone to PC via cable or wireless and will use it as a webcam, so you can chat on messengers like Skype with a webcam. Why have a digital More about DroidCam
  • Iriun Webcam 2.8.10
    Iriun Webcam Icon

    Turns a cell phone into a webcam using either Android or iOS app. Iriun Webcam is an ingenius little application that turns your phone's camera into a webcam that can be used as a video input for Windows without the need for special …

    phone's camera as a wireless webcam in your Windows PC. Install Iriun Webcam for Windows and download Iriun Webcam app to your mobile phone ( Android or iOS/iPhone ) and start using the phone with your favourite video applications. How to Use iPhone More about Iriun Webcam
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