… collection of tools for tuning, tweaking and optimizing Windows. LiveTuner is a free system optimization device which can tune your system for specific tasks. These optimizations can increase the amount of memory and … Read more
you damage in some way the integrity of your system. Windows tune-up operations are quite easy to do, especially via registry tweaking, but this application works in a different manner. LiveTuner reads the current configuration of your computer and allows More about LiveTuner
Includes a bunch of tools for optimizing performance of a PC like fixing registry errors, improving privacy browsing the web and removing junk files from Windows systems.
Performs a variety of disk optimization procedures, focusing on defragging.
Utility to optimize and free up system memory (RAM) usage either manually or automatically.
Quickly optimize your TCP connection settings.
Overclock, tune and stress a system with Intel CPUs or mainboards.
Boost your online games and applications with Latency Optimizer from Badosoft!
A very comprehensive tweaking utility for Windows 7
Advanced utility that helps you restore your privacy in Windows.
Software to optimize your Windows system.
A collection of system optimization and management utilities including secure cleaning, deletion of junk data, manage startup options and improve PC performance.
Repairs Windows registry problems with a few mouse clicks.
Intuitive hardware and system optimization software that can overclock, activate gaming mode, record games with XSplit and monitor hardware stability.
Enable and disable various Windows services from starting with Windows.
A bundling of Advanced SystemCare with the BitDefender antivirus engine.