Sothink SWF Decompiler

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  • Sothink SWF Decompiler 7.4
    Sothink SWF Decompiler Icon

    Convert Flash to HTML5 Video

    … Flash to HTML5 Video. Leading SWF Decompiler & Flash to HTML5 converter; convert SWF to HTML5/FLA/FLEX. The SWF Decompiler is a utility designed and published by Sothink software. The main purpose of this utility is … Read more

  • Screenshots of Sothink SWF Decompiler-Flash Decompiler (4)

    1. VB Decompiler Icon
      VB Decompiler Visual basic decompiler

      Decompiler for Visual Basic applications which provides an environment for performing debugging.

      Features and highlights:
      • Unpacks packed application (UPX, NSPack and other EXE packers).
      • Disassembles native code procedures.
      • Syntax highlighting in decompiled code.
      • Save decompiled data to single DB file.
    2. Sothink Free Video Converter Icon
      Sothink Free Video Converter

      Freeware video converter which supports portable devices and includes several useful utilities.

      Features and highlights:
      • Convert between many video and audio formats (AVI, MP4, MP3, FLV, etc).
      • Convert HTML5 videos such as OGG, MP4, WebM.
      • Play videos on PC, Laptop, iPad/iPod/iPhone, PSP, Android.
      • Full support for high definition (HD) video.
      • Fast and friendly user interface.
    3. SWF Opener Icon
      Video Player
      SWF Opener SWF viewer

      A video player which deals specifically with SWF files.

      Features and highlights:
      • Playback control
      • Timeline controller
      • Auto replay
      • Full screen mode
      • Scale mode selection
    4. dnSpy Icon
      dnSpy Reverse engineering

      Debugger and .NET assembly editor with advanced functions.

    5. Google Web Designer Icon
      HTML Editor
      Google Web Designer HTML5 designer

      Modern and capable web designing software from Google which features fully-compliant HTML5 code and semantic and interactive markup with can provide an SEO benefit on search.

    6. Adobe Flash Player Icon
      Media Player
      Adobe Flash Player Flasher player

      Flash is the definitive online media player and graphics plug-in which supports online video playback, web camera application, online games and other versatile functions.

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