… application which can find music online with user chat. SoulseekQT is an absolutely free application which provides access to a community sharing files like music and other multimedia. SoulseekQT was originally created to promote the exchange of music … Read more
any threats into the system. SoulseekQt is licensed as freeware for PC or laptop with Windows 32 bit and 64 bit operating system. It is in file sharing category and is available to all software users as a free download. More about SoulseekQT
Chat application and messenger which can voice chat, video chat and share files online that also integrates and functions as a client for other messaging apps.
Videochat with friends in the best place to meet new people.
A free filesharing client with a long history, though no longer updated.
Free VoIP and text chat app for use by gamers with security features.
Free Tor-based torrent client which helps anonymize usage.
Social file sharing application for communities, family and friends.
Find and download everything like BT (BitTorrent), HTTP/FTP, web videos.
Local area network chat software.
Basic IP blocking firewall that can filter out traffic from peer-to-peer networks, hostile government organizations and known troublemakers online.
A free and easy to use bittorrent client with an intuitive interface.
Peer-to-peer filesharing platform with a focus on security that includes file search and browsing.
Facilitates the sharing of files on the Internet with several features.
A free, flexible and fully compliant Bit Torrent client.
VoIP application and service with video chat, screen sharing and conference calling.