… when VoIPing via Skype. VoiceMaster is a free and easy-to-use program which enables users of Skype to change the pitch of their voice while using any of the audio-related features of Skype. Despite the genre of software, VoiceMaster is straightforward and … Read more
that enables you to adjust the pitch of your voice while talking to friends on Skype, using low system resources VoiceMaster is a simple-to-use software program which enables users to adjust the pitch of their voice when chatting with friends on Skype, More about VoiceMaster
Change the sound of your voice in real time when using Skype desktop.
VoIP application and service with video chat, screen sharing and conference calling.
A portable, no-install version of the popular VoIP and IM program.
Chat application and messenger which can voice chat, video chat and share files online that also integrates and functions as a client for other messaging apps.
Free VoIP and text chat app for use by gamers with security features.
Videochat with friends in the best place to meet new people.
Change the sound of your voice while chatting online.
Compositing and animation streamlined for designers and animators.
Freeware multiprotocol IM client.
A free voice changer which gives you a personality matching voice for online gaming and telephone calls.
Audio and voice enhancement made for conferencing.
Intelligent webcam software that integrates nicely with different IM programs, video conferencing with special effects and goofy video modifications.
Make video and voice calls between a PC and mobile phone.
Excellent software for pitch correction in audio files.