XnConvert 1.104.0
Image converter
Can quickly and easily convert various types of image files to different formats.
AVS Image Converter
Image converter
A batch image convert with vector image support.
Ashampoo Photo Commander 18.0.4
Photo manager
Provides advanced tools to organize, edit and share digital photos.
Image Tuner 10.0
Image resizing
Software program that enables users to easily resize, crop.
JBatch It! 7.19
Batch image processor
Software tool that processes and edits large batches of images quickly and efficiently.
Batch image converter
Convert multiple images into different formats.
ImBatch 7.6.3
Image resizer
Excellent, fully featured image conversion utility.
Light Image Resizer
Image resizer
Powerful software that resizes and compresses images in various formats with customizable options for size.
Adobe DNG Converter 17.1
Raw image converter
Software tool that converts various raw image formats to the DNG format for digital photos.
Caesium Image Compressor 2.8.2
Image size reducer
Fast image compression tool that can significantly reduce the size of images while maintaining their quality.
iSpring Free
PowerPoint conversion tool
Converts PowerPoint presentations to interactive HTML5-based e-learning courses.
Image resizer tool
Quickly and efficiently resizes multiple photos at once, saving time and hassle for users.
JPEG Lossless Rotator 11.0
Image converter that rotates JPEG images without any loss in quality.
Nconvert 7.192
Image format converter
Efficiently transforms various image file types with a CLI interface quickly.
Able Photo Resizer
Photo resizer
Quickly resize images to fit any format or platform.