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OpenSSL 3.4.0
Cryptography library
Software tools for implementing secure communication using SSL/TLS protocols.
Git for Windows
Windows Git client tool
Manage version control for code development and collaboration on Windows-based systems.
Visual Studio Code 1.96.4
Code editor
Powerful code editor, designed for developers to quickly craft.
Highlight 4.15
Syntax highlighter
Code editor that helps developers write, read and understand code with syntax highlighting.
ImHex 1.36.2
Powerful hexadecimal editor
Edit binaries, examine data structures and repair corrupted files.
Eclipse SDK 4.34
Java development
Open-source SDK for Java that provides a environment for building.
Python 3.13.1
High-level programming language
Interpreted, general-purpose programming language with a focus on code readability.
soapUI 5.8.0
API testing tool
Software used for testing the functionality and performance of APIs and web services.
soapUI Portable 5.8.0
API testing tool
Software for testing and analyzing web services with an interface.
SourceTree 3.4.21
Git management tool
Simplifies the management of version control, making collaboration.
Revision control
A subversion SVN client which can run on Windows.
Ultimate++ 2024.1.17458
Rapid application development tool
C++ cross-platform app framework to create complex.
NetBeans IDE 21.0
Java programming environment
Development environment for Java and other programming languages that includes code editing.
JSONedit 0.9.42
JSON file editor
Software for modifying and manipulating data stored in JSON format.
Visual Studio 2019 16.11.34
Cross-platform software development suite
Integrated Development Environment for coding, debugging, compiling.