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OpenSSL 3.4.1
Cryptography library
Software tools for implementing secure communication using SSL/TLS protocols.
GitHub Desktop 3.4.17
Git desktop client
Visual interface for Git version control, enabling users to manage repositories, branches.
Visual Studio Code 1.98.0
Code editor
Powerful code editor, designed for developers to quickly craft.
ImHex 1.37.4
Powerful hexadecimal editor
Edit binaries, examine data structures and repair corrupted files.
Agena 4.10.0a
Scripting language tool
High-level and programming language that supports object-oriented and functional programming paradigms.
Android Studio 2024.2.2.15
Android development platform
Development environment for Android app developers with code editing, debugging.
Git for Windows 2.48.1
Windows Git client tool
Manage version control for code development and collaboration on Windows-based systems.
Python 3.13.2
High-level programming language
Interpreted, general-purpose programming language with a focus on code readability.
SourceTree 3.4.22
Git management tool
Simplifies the management of version control, making collaboration.
VB Decompiler 12.5
Visual Basic reverse engineering
Software used to decompile and analyze programs created in Visual Basic, revealing their source code and algorithms.
Graphical APK decompiler
Graphical interface for Android app decompiling.
Advanced Installer 22.4
Setup creator
Software tool used by developers to create professional.
Lazarus 3.8
Object Pascal IDE
Integrated development environment for Object Pascal programming language that enables cross-platform development.
Android SDK 35.0.2
Mobile development kit
Tools and libraries for building and testing Android apps on Windows-based computers.
Android SDK Tools 35.0.2
Android dev toolset
Collection of tools for Android developers to build, test.