… Android APK apps with user interfaces. Official Google kit provides a set of development and debug tools. SDK Tools is a downloadable component for the Android SDK that includes the complete set of development and debugging tools for the Android SDK. The …
Android development kit that comprises components, libraries and tools to help you build, compile and test mobile apps Note: Android SDK can be download via Android Studio or using the sdkmanager command-line utility, which is included in the SDK tools More about Android SDK Tools
Collection of API libraries, components and tools necessary to develop applications for the Android operating system with additional utilities for integration with Google services.
Official Microsoft software development kit containing a number of components and libraries for developing software and utilities on win32 systems including performance, dubugging, signing and more.
Bundle of programming tools for developing Android apps.
Tool to sign, compile, decompile and manage Android APK apps.
An environment for developing C and C++
A fully-featured Android emulator that can play games on a desktop PC.
Easily install, download and remove apps from Android devices.
Development environment for Python, ASP.NET, web tech, JavaScript and JSON.
DirectX 9 Software Development Kit 2010/2011
Download Android APK apps to your PC without having to use your phone, directly from the Google Play store.
A freeware Android emulator which supports playing of games from the Google Play store and running apps designed only for Android on a Windows PC desktop.
Android OS emulator for playing games and running apps on your desktop, usually running the latest and greatest version of Android for full stability.
Quickly install bare-bones ADB for accessing Android filesystem.
IDE for development with Java, PHP, C, LaTeX and others.