Atom Editor download

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  • Atom Editor 1.63.1
    Atom Editor Icon

    Text editor and programmer's toolkit for clean and readable code

    … editor and programmer's toolkit for clean and readable code. Atom is a text editor that's obviously designed for coders and programmers with its support for a number of languages and its well thought out layout. Getting started with Atom, you'll see … Read more

    and functionality to Atom —or build a package from scratch and publish it for everyone else to use. Atom comes pre-installed with four UI and eight syntax themes in both dark and light colors. Atom Free Download Latest Version for Windows PC. It More about Atom Editor
  • Screenshots of Atom (10)

    1. PSPad Editor Icon
      PSPad Editor Syntax highlighter

      A capable text editor aimed at programmers and coders, it offers a number of features to improve the efficiency in writing PHP, Python, CSS, HTML and many other markup and software languages.

      Features and highlights:
      • Syntax Highlighting: Colorization of text in multiple languages.
      • Code Folding: Hide and view blocks of code.
      • Unicode Support: Editing of UTF-8, UTF-16 and other unicode files.
      • Templates: Code snippets and pre-defined templates.
      • Code Navigation: Quickly locate and jump to functions, declarations and other code sections.
    2. Sublime Text Icon
      Sublime Text Code editor

      Feature-packed code editing suite and integrated development environment with built-in support for the most popular programming languages full with syntax highlighting and a high degree of customization.

      Features and highlights:
      • Multiple Selection: Allows for selection of multiple lines at once.
      • Command Palette: Comprehensive keyboard commands for faster navigation.
      • Goto Anything: Quickly jump to files, symbols and lines.
      • Split Editing: View and edit multiple files simultaneously.
      • Syntax Highlighting: Color coding for different languages.
    3. Highlight Icon
      Highlight Source code converter

      Provides for syntax highlighting in over 80 languages.

      Features and highlights:
      • Coloured output in HTML, XHTML, RTF, ODT, TeX, LaTeX, SVG and BBCode format.
      • Supports 180 programming languages.
      • Includes 80 colour themes
      • Syntax elements are defined as regular expressions or plain string lists.
      • Customizable keyword groups.
    4. RJ TextEd Icon
      RJ TextEd Text editor

      Featured-packed text and source code editor with support for syntax in several languages including HTML, PHP, C, C#, JavaScript and Perl.

    5. Komodo Edit Icon
      Komodo Edit Multi-language editor

      A free programmers text editor with syntax recognition supporting web languages like PHP, HTML and CSS.

    6. Visual Studio Code Icon
      Visual Studio Code Code compiler

      Source code editing with version control and syntax for many languages.

    7. UltraEdit Icon
      UltraEdit Text editor

      Powerful text editor with support for a number of programming languages with syntax highlighting, code folding and enough power for large files.

    8. Python Icon
      Python Object orientation

      The prerequisite to run Python scripts in Windows with support for pip and command-line execution of .py files.

    9. Nvidia CUDA Toolkit Icon
      Nvidia CUDA Toolkit CUDA development

      Development toolkit for programmers to access the advanced set of features available from the Nvidia Graphics Processing Unit in C and C++

    10. Notepad2 Icon
      Notepad2 Text editor

      A freeware text editor and potential Notepad.exe replacement.

    11. SynWrite Icon
      SynWrite Plugin editor

      Text and code editor designed for programmers with many features like code highlighting, customization and hotkey support.

    12. Text Editor Pro Icon
      Text Editor Pro Script editor

      A powerful text editor, great for developers and programmers.

    13. ImDisk Toolkit Icon
      ImDisk Toolkit Imdisk driver

      Mount image files of hard drives, CD images and create RamDisks.

    14. Notepad++ Icon
      Notepad++ Text editor

      A feature-rich text editor application that supports not only plaintext, but a number of programming languages which can act as a Notepad replacement for Windows.

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