… have. . DiskView analyzes your disk space, understands it's structure, assimilates information, and presents it visually so that you can understand and manage your files and folders easily - without stepping out of Windows Explorer. DiskView helps you …
Graphically see disk space usage from Windows Explorer More about DiskView
… or all of the utilities at the same time as each utility is completely separate from the other. The package allows you to download all of the Sysinternals freeware utilities at the same time. Each program included in this package serves a different task, …
AdRestore Autologin Autoruns BgInfo CacheSet ClockRes Contig Coreinfo Ctrl2Cap DebugView Desktops Disk2vhd DiskExt DiskMon DiskView Disk Usage (DU) EFSDump FindLinks Handle Hex2dec Junction LDMDump ListDLLs LiveKd LoadOrder LogonSessions MoveFile NTFSInfo More about Sysinternals Suite