Freenet vs Tor

(2 program downloads found)
  • Freenet
    Freenet Icon

    … decentralized, putting it under the jurisdiction of no one authority. Freenet includes free chat forums, acts as a free web host accessible to others who are also online the Freenet network and also offers the option to function in "darknet" mode, making …

    only to the selected FreeNet users. As soon as you run the program, you are required to choose between three security modes. The first one offers the lowest security protection and gives you the possibility to connect to any FreeNet users, while the second More about Freenet
  • I2P 2.6.1
    I2P Icon

    … to meet both the sender's and the receiver's threat model. * Quite complex and has many layers * An alternative to the Tor network * End-to-end encrypted chat * Encrypts the message in multiple layers * Built-in email application * Messaging service which …

    so as to be able to counterattack the latest tracking and hacking strategies that emerge in the software world. Next to Tor or Freenet, I2P joins the battle against such attempts through a complex algorithm that involves a series of nodes or routers, with More about I2P
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