… to use freeware FTP server for Windows with friendly interface. Golden FTP Server is a free personal FTP server for Windows. It is extremely easy to use and can be run by anyone with basic computer skills. The program runs … Read more
Easy to use FTP server for Windows with friendly interface Setting up a FTP server isn’t quite the kind of job addressed to beginners, but with Golden FTP Server anyone could do it, regardless of their computer knowledge. The ace up its More about Golden FTP server
Secure FTP/SFTP Server for Windows for sharing files with other users.
Powerful FTP client automates file transfer with schedule and filters.
Fully-featured and free FTP client with Site Manager supporting secure connections, SFTP, SSH and a dual-panel interface for fast and reliable file transfers.
An FTP server application which supports standard and secure connections.
FTP Voyager, FTP Made Simple with Explorer Like Interface.
Powerful FTP and FXP client which can transfer files in high speed with site-to-site and site-to-user options.
An FTP client supporting cloud services like Amazon S3, Rackspace and secure connections like sFTP and SSH.
A powerful FTP client supporting secure connections and the possibility of site-to-site transfers with an Explorer-like interface with many functions.