gpg4win download

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  • gpg4win 4.4.0
    gpg4win Icon

    Encrypts files, folders and email with digital signatures

    … sender. Gpg4win supports both relevant cryptography standards, OpenPGP and S/MIME (X.509), and is the official GnuPG distribution for Windows. It is maintained by the developers of GnuPG. Gpg4win and the software included with Gpg4win are Free Software … Read more

    is showing clearly on the pane. gpg4win is licensed as freeware for PC or laptop with Windows 32 bit and 64 bit operating system. It is in email utilities category and is available to all software users as a free download. More about gpg4win
  • Screenshots of Gpg4win (14)

    1. abylon READER Icon
      abylon READER File decryptor

      Free application that can decrypt and unpack SME files, create self-signed certs with quick access via the Windows Explorer shell.

      Features and highlights:
      • Security: AES- and RSA-Encryption.
      • File Viewer: View and print documents.
      • File Manager: Copy, move, delete and rename files.
      • Text Editor: Edit text files.
      • Image Viewer: View and print images.
    2. XCA Icon
      XCA X509 creator

      Allows for the management, creation of X.509 certificates as well as RSA, DSA and EC private keys with import and export functions.

      Features and highlights:
      • Certificate management: Manage digital certificates and key pairs with ease.
      • Certificate creation and signing: Generate and sign X.509 certificates for secure communication.
      • Certificate import and export: Import and export certificates in various formats for interoperability.
      • Certificate revocation: Revoke and manage the status of certificates to ensure security.
      • Key pair generation: Generate public-private key pairs for encryption and authentication.
    3. Comodo Disk Encryption Icon
      Comodo Disk Encryption Disk encryption

      Completely freeware encryption software.

      Features and highlights:
      • Whole Disk Encryption
      • Virtual Disk Encryption
      • File/Folder Encryption (ZIP Encryption).
      • Supports the following encryption algorithms: AES, Serpent, Twofish.
      • COMODO Disk Encryption loader does not depend on your system configuration.
    4. Epic Privacy Browser Icon
      Epic Privacy Browser Web browser

      Excellent privacy-focused Chromium-based web browser which includes a free web proxy in multiple regions, anti-tracking tools and permanent incognito private browsing mode.

    5. AxCrypt Icon
      AxCrypt File encryptor

      Data encryption with very little hassle; password-protect all sensitive data in a few clicks.

    6. HTTPS Everywhere Icon
      Browser Addon
      HTTPS Everywhere HTTPS extension

      Encrypt the web: Install HTTPS Everywhere today.

    7. TrueCrypt Icon
      TrueCrypt Disk encryption

      Free Open-Source Disk Encryption Software.

    8. PDF Encrypt Tool Icon
      PDF Encrypt Tool PDF encryptor

      Basic PDF encryption software which can batch process multiple PDF documents, apply passwords to them and apply write protection.

    9. Stunnel Icon
      Stunnel SSL encryption wrapper

      A useful and easy utility tool that can add secure layers with SSL to inetd daemons and servers including HTTP, NNTP and SMTP.

    10. Atomic Mail Verifier Icon
      Atomic Mail Verifier Email verifier

      Verify millions of email addresses real fast using one of three checkup methods!

    11. Cryptomator Icon
      Cryptomator Could encryption

      Encrypts your local and cloud-synchronized data quickly and easily.

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