IP helper download

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  • IP Notification 4.5
    IP Notification Icon

    Find your internal and external IP Addresses, and email yourself if they change!

    Find your internal and external IP Addresses, and email yourself if they change!. This IP Helper software shows you both your internal and external IP addresses, can notify you by email when they change, performs DNS … Read more

    Find your internal and external IP Addresses, and email yourself if they change! IP Helper is an easy to use yet powerful Windows application that displays the internet and external IP addresses and informs you about any More about IP Notification
  • Screenshots of IP Helper (6)

    1. Whois Icon
      Whois Domain lookup tool

      Quick and simple way to look up domain name WHOIS data on Windows without the need to enter CAPTCHA verifications.

    2. DNS Jumper Icon
      DNS Jumper DNS jumper

      An easier way to manage your DNS settings.

      Features and highlights:
      • Speed: DNS lookup and switching in milliseconds.
      • Servers: Over 100 DNS servers from around the world.
      • Security: Encrypt DNS lookups with DNSCrypt.
      • Customization: Ability to create custom DNS server lists.
      • Interface: Intuitive and easy to use interface.
    3. ChrisPC DNS Switch Icon
      ChrisPC DNS Switch DNS changer

      Provides a quick way to swap through anonymous DNS services.

      Features and highlights:
      • Automatically Switch: Automatically switch DNS settings of your Internet connection with a single click.
      • Presets: Enables quick switching between more than 15 predefined DNS presets.
      • Custom DNS: Create your own custom DNS settings.
      • Fast Activation: DNS settings are activated immediately without any reboot required.
      • Secure Browsing: Supports DNS over HTTPS (DoH) and DNS over TLS (DoT) protocols for secure browsing.
    4. Atomic Mail Verifier Icon
      Atomic Mail Verifier Email verifier

      Verify millions of email addresses real fast using one of three checkup methods!

    5. NetToolset Icon
      NetToolset Port scanner

      A free package of basic networking tools like ping, tracert, etc.

    6. NxFilter Icon
      NxFilter Web filter

      Powerful DNS filter tool that can block web sites based on IP address with user restriction against malicious web sites.

    7. No IP DUC Icon
      No IP DUC Dynamic client updater

      No need to manually update an IP address when it changes with NO-IP.

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