Lazarus naturals

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  • Lazarus 3.8
    Lazarus Icon

    Complete programming environment and development tool for Delphi with an IDE perfect for creating applications with graphical layouts

    … or commercial applications. With Lazarus you can create file browsers, image viewers, database applications, graphics editing software, games, 3D software, medical analysis software or any other type of software. Lazarus has a huge community of people … Read more

    is designed to be able to understand and compile Delphi syntax, which is OOP. Select version: Lazarus 2.2.4 (32-bit) Lazarus 2.2.4 (64-bit) Lazarus provides developers with a feature-rich development environment for Delphi, enabling them to create fully More about Lazarus
  • Screenshots of Lazarus (1)

    1. Free Pascal Icon
      Free Pascal Pascal compiler

      Free IDE and Pascal compiler with a number of powerful tools, friendly user interface supporting architectures x86, SPARC, x86-x64

      Features and highlights:
      • Compiler: High-level, object-oriented Pascal compiler.
      • Syntax: Supports both modern and classic Pascal syntax.
      • Modular: Compiler design is modular, allowing for ease of customization.
      • Libraries: Built-in RTL and many additional libraries available.
      • Debugging: Provides comprehensive debugging facilities.
    2. NetBeans IDE Icon
      NetBeans IDE Integrated environment

      An environment for developers to create and develop applications for a range of operating systems using primarily Java, JavaScript, PHP and HTML5

      Features and highlights:
      • Java: Support for Java SE, Java EE and JavaFX.
      • HTML5: Editing and debugging support.
      • JavaScript: Code completion, validation and debugging.
      • Groovy: Support for Groovy and Grails.
      • Database: Connection and SQL query tooling.
    3. Eclipse SDK Icon
      Eclipse SDK Integrated development environment

      IDE for development with Java, PHP, C, LaTeX and others.

      Features and highlights:
      • Platforms: Java, C/C++, PHP, JavaScript, Groovy.
      • Builds: Generate Ant builds, Maven integration.
      • Debugging: Hot code replace, breakpoints, step filters.
      • Refactoring: Rename, move, delete, global replace.
      • Source Control: Git, SVN, CVS, Mercurial.
    4. Qt Creator Icon
      Qt Creator Integrated development environment

      IDE for creating apps across different platforms with code editor.

    5. Dev-C++ Portable Icon
      Dev-C++ Portable Integrated development environment

      An environment for developing C and C++

    6. Code::Blocks Icon
      Code::Blocks C++ compiler

      Free coding compiler and editor for the advanced programmer.

    7. Visual Studio 2019 Icon
      Visual Studio 2019 Development

      Development environment for Python, ASP.NET, web tech, JavaScript and JSON.

    8. Python Icon
      Python Object orientation

      The prerequisite to run Python scripts in Windows with support for pip and command-line execution of .py files.

    9. DoneEx XCell Compiler Icon
      DoneEx XCell Compiler XLS converter

      Protects Excel XLS files by converting them to EXE executables and hiding formulas used.

    10. Android Studio Icon
      Android Studio Android development

      Bundle of programming tools for developing Android apps.

    11. Android SDK Icon
      Android SDK AVD management

      Collection of API libraries, components and tools necessary to develop applications for the Android operating system with additional utilities for integration with Google services.

    12. Inno Setup Compiler Icon
      Inno Setup Compiler Setup builder

      Utility for creating installer packages on Windows to make an EXE file for setup on Windows.

    13. Inno Setup Icon
      Inno Setup Setup builder

      Totally free installer system with customization to create setup EXE files with minimal, custom and full install/uninstall, supporting encryption and registry entries.

    14. Visual Studio Code Icon
      Visual Studio Code Code compiler

      Source code editing with version control and syntax for many languages.

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