ManageEngine Applications Manager for Windows 8

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  • ManageEngine Applications Manager 14.0
    ManageEngine Applications Manager Icon

    App Manager

    App Manager. . ManageEngine Applications Manager is a useful and reliable monitoring tool that manages the performance of applications, servers, databases, systems, services, websites and more. Applications Manager monitors performance and … Read more

    Monitors the performance of apps, servers, databases, systems etc. More about ManageEngine Applications Manager
  • Screenshots of ManageEngine Applications Manager (1)

    1. ManageEngine Firewall Analyzer Icon
      ManageEngine Firewall Analyzer Firewall analyzer

      Web based Firewall,VPN and Proxy Server Log Analysis and reporting tool.

      Features and highlights:
      • Monitor network traffic and get instant notifications upon sudden spikes in bandwidth.
      • Analyze which user,protocol group or network activity is consuming more bandwidth with interface-wise live bandwidth usage reports.
      • Get detailed information on all possible network attacks and security breaches in your network.
      • Know which viruses are active on the network, the hosts that are affected and more.
      • Identify the highly used rules, which can be optimized to enhance the network security.
    2. Microsoft Message Analyzer Icon
      Microsoft Message Analyzer Protocol implementation

      Capture, display, and analyze protocol messaging traffic.

      Features and highlights:
      • Advanced analysis: Provides deeper analysis capabilities with advanced filters, customizable views and data visualization.
      • Multi-data capture: Captures multiple data types simultaneously, including network trace, syslog and PowerShell data.
      • Extensive data sources: Supports data from network traces, log files, Windows Event Tracing and Windows PowerShell logs.
      • Real-time monitoring: Monitors and captures events in real-time with the ability to apply filters and analyze data.
      • Event Tracing for Windows: Analyzes ETW events from multiple sources, including the system, applications, drivers and services.
    3. PRTG Network Monitor Icon
      PRTG Network Monitor Network watcher

      Network monitoring utility which displays visual elements like graphs for WiFi and LAN usage in a web browser with an array of advanced usage statistics.

      Features and highlights:
      • Network Monitoring: Comprehensive monitoring of network devices, including routers, switches, firewalls and more.
      • Bandwidth Monitoring: Bandwidth usage and performance in real time.
      • Traffic Graphing: Visualize traffic trends and diagnose network bottlenecks.
      • Traffic Analysis: Analyze traffic flows to identify malicious activities.
      • Maps & Reports: Create maps of your network and generate detailed reports.
    4. RightMark Audio Analyzer Icon
      RightMark Audio Analyzer Audio analyzer

      Provides benchmarking tools for connected audio devices.

    5. SoftPerfect Network Protocol Analyzer Icon
      SoftPerfect Network Protocol Analyzer Protocol analyzer

      Network analysis software which checks and monitors network and Internet connections includingweb, mail and FTP transfers.

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