Microsoft Network Monitor filter examples

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  • Microsoft Network Monitor 3.42350
    Microsoft Network Monitor Icon

    Useful networking sniffing and packet capturing utility which analyzes network traffic and data over Windows network connections

    … network traffic and data over Windows network connections. Legacy network and traffic analysis toolkit directly from Microsoft. Microsoft Network Monitor is a protocol analyzer that has been replaced by the Microsoft Message Analyzer. Microsoft Network … Read more

    of no use. A powerful network data capture and analysis application To conclude, Microsoft Network Monitor is definitely a useful tool that can help administrators keep a close eye on every bit of data exchanged over their network. The impressive amount More about Microsoft Network Monitor
  • Screenshots of Microsoft Network Monitor (6)

    1. WinPcap Icon
      WinPcap Network access

      Capture and transmit network packets bypassing the protocol stack.

      Features and highlights:
      • Protocols: Supports all major networking protocols.
      • Capturing: Advanced packet capture and analysis.
      • Remote Capture: Ability to capture packets on remote machines.
      • Statistics: Comprehensive packet statistics.
      • Filtering: Supports full capture and display filtering.
    2. Wireshark Icon
      Wireshark Network traffic analyzer

      The world's most popular network protocol analyzer.

      Features and highlights:
      • Protocol Decoder: Comprehensive collection of protocol decoders.
      • Network Analysis: Identify network protocols and performance.
      • Bandwidth Analysis: Monitor network bandwidth usage.
      • Packet Filtering: Create custom filters for specific packets.
      • Live Capture: Capture and analyze data in real-time.
    3. CommView for WiFi Icon
      CommView for WiFi Traffic capture

      Wireless network capturing tool on 802.11a/b/g/n adapters which analyzes and captures traffic as well as decrypting keys.

      Features and highlights:
      • Scan the air for WiFi stations and access points.
      • Capture 802.11a, 802.11b, 802.11g, 802.11n and 802.11ac WLAN traffic.
      • Specify WEP or WPA keys to decrypt encrypted packets.
      • View detailed per-node and per-channel statistics.
      • View detailed IP connections statistics: IP addresses, ports, sessions, etc.
    4. Snort Icon
      Snort Network protection

      Network intrusion analyzer that performs real time auditing.

    5. Wireshark Portable Icon
      Wireshark Portable Network diagnostics

      Portable version of a free and open-source packet analyzer.

    6. Microsoft Message Analyzer Icon
      Microsoft Message Analyzer Protocol implementation

      Capture, display, and analyze protocol messaging traffic.

    7. PRTG Network Monitor Icon
      PRTG Network Monitor Network watcher

      Network monitoring utility which displays visual elements like graphs for WiFi and LAN usage in a web browser with an array of advanced usage statistics.

    8. NetworkTrafficView Icon
      NetworkTrafficView Network traffic monitoring

      Displays network traffic statistics on your network adapter.

    9. Speedify Icon
      Speedify Connection speed increaser

      Tool which can improve the speed of your Internet browsing by harnessing multiple concurrent connections in Windows such as WiFi, Ethernet, 4G and 5G.

    10. Fiddler Icon
      Fiddler HTTP traffic logger

      Debug web sites and online applications by analyzing and capturing web traffic over HTTP and HTTPS connections.

    11. DU Meter Icon
      DU Meter Bandwidth measurement

      Graphical display of network data transfer rates, reports, alerts and more.

    12. RawCap Icon
      RawCap Network sniffer

      Network sniffer which captures traffic and saves it to a pcap file.

    13. ImDisk Toolkit Icon
      ImDisk Toolkit Imdisk driver

      Mount image files of hard drives, CD images and create RamDisks.

    14. Network Traffic Monitor Icon
      Network Traffic Monitor Traffic monitoring

      Network monitoring application that keeps an eye on incoming and outgoing packets with the ability to receive alerts.

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