Norman antivirus

(2 program downloads found)
  • Norman Malware Cleaner 24.12.9725
    Norman Malware Cleaner Icon

    … an about box. Overall, Norman Malware Cleaner is a competent but basic malware scanner which may not always find infections. It is highly recommended to run Norman Malware Cleaner in "Safe Mode". Norman Malware Cleaner is a Norman program designed to …

    popular forms of malware, which does not require installation and can be run from a pen drive Norman Malware Cleaner is one of those straightforward antivirus applications that provide clear-cut options concerning its capabilities. It does not require More about Norman Malware Cleaner
  • Norman Virus Control 5.8
    Norman Virus Control Icon

    Norman Virus Control, proactive antivirus tool, scanning in real time mode. User-friendly, proactive and automated functionality are keywords describing the Norman Virus Control v5.8. The unique Norman SandBox technology protects against new and …

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