Polyglot 3000 2.8

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  • Polyglot 3000 3.79
    Polyglot 3000 Icon

    Automatic Language Identifier with Unicode support (over 400 languages)

    … Polyglot 3000 is automatic language identifier that can detect the language used in a text, phrase, or even a single word. The program features over 400 languages. Input text files utilise both Unicode and ANSI encodings. Polyglot 3000 features: Recognize … Read more

    Note: Polyglot 3000 2.8 is a not a version of this program that we are aware of. The current version available from LO4D.com is 3.79.

  • Screenshots of Polyglot 3000 (6)

    1. Unknown Device Identifier Icon
      Unknown Device Identifier Driver identifier

      Identify unknown devices in your system and search for workable drivers.

      Features and highlights:
      • Identifies USB 1.1/2.0/3.0 devices.
      • Identifies IEEE 1394 devices.
      • Identifies ISA Plug&Play devices.
      • Identifies AGP Bus devices.
      • Identifies PCI, PCI-E, eSATA devices.
    2. Driver Identifier Icon
      Driver Identifier Driver scanner

      Update and identify the drivers of components on your PC.

      Features and highlights:
      • Automated drivers installation.
      • No time is wasted anymore looking for drivers.
      • Supports virtually any drives for any PCs.
      • Drivers update quick and easy.
      • Supports 32-bit and 64-bit drivers.
    3. Google Input Tools Icon
      Google Input Tools Input language changer

      Easily switch between languages with this Google Chrome extension.

      Features and highlights:
      • Text Input: Type in multiple languages.
      • Voice Input: Speak and convert to text.
      • Handwriting Input: Draw characters with your mouse.
      • Transliteration: Type in English and get output in other languages.
      • Predictive Text: Type faster and make fewer mistakes.
    4. PhraseExpress Icon
      PhraseExpress Clipboard organizer

      Keyboard macro automation utility with access from taskbar.

    5. MultiTranse Icon
      MultiTranse Translation

      Software to translate between languages using free online translation services.

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