Portable antivirus

(6 program downloads found)
  • Trellix Stinger Portable
    Trellix Stinger Portable Icon

    … comprehensive freeware antivirus solutions are certainly available. Overall though, Stinger Portable can be quite useful in detecting a subset of viruses and the application itself is updated somewhat often. McAfee Stinger Portable is a stand-alone utility …

    Tiny, portable and simple-to-use application that provides users with a rapid and efficient method for eliminating viruses and malware McAfee Stinger Portable is a standalone utility used to detect and remove specific viruses . It is not a More about Trellix Stinger Portable
  • Avira AntiVir Removal Tool
    Avira AntiVir Removal Tool Icon

    Detect and eliminate Worm.Sober.J/P/Y and W32.Stanit.A, Worm/NetSky type worms.. For all those experiencing the damaging effects of a virus infection, Avira's researchers have prepared a free removal tool, which can be used to eliminate major distinct …

  • Cyberfox Portable 52.9.1
    Cyberfox Portable Icon

    … most visited sites, bookmarks, etc. will follow with you. Cyberfox Portable also takes advantage of the Windows 8 SDK and is completely open source. A cool addition to Cyberfox Portable found within the menus are the options to clean the cache and restart …

    web browser that compiles Firefox to help you navigate on the Internet faster on both 64-bit and 32-bit systems, running on lower resources This is the portable edition of Cyberfox, an open-source web browser that basically represents a compiled edition More about Cyberfox Portable
  • TrustPort Antivirus USB Edition 3.00
    TrustPort Antivirus USB Edition Icon

    … antivirus and antispyware for USB flash drives. USB drives increase the mobility of documents and applications, but viruses and other threats can also infect computers through USB drives. For protection against mobile viruses, TrustPort USB Antivirus …

  • Flash Disinfector 1.0
    Flash Disinfector Icon

    Antivirus utility which specializes in USB disk drive infections. Flash Disinfector is a small and portable antivirus application which specializes in the removal of malware from different types of portable media, more specifically USB thumb drives …

  • CWShredder
    CWShredder Icon

    … all traces of the nasty CoolWebSearch hijack. CWShredder is a completely portable antivirus application which removes the horrendous CoolWebSearch malware which redirects …

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