Resource Hacker download

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  • Resource Hacker 3.6.0
    Resource Hacker Icon

    Freeware utility to modify 32-bit and 64-bit Windows resources

    … resources. Resouce Hacker is something which has long been searched for and thankfully, Angus Johnson decided to developer exactly that and release it as a freeware application for anybody to download. In all, Resource Hacker is a small and robust utility … Read more

    of Resource Hacker™ can be accessed from the command line without having to open the Resource Hacker™ GUI. Command-line instructions and Resource Hacker ™ scripts can remove the drudgery entailed with repeating Resource Hacker™ More about Resource Hacker
  • Screenshots of Resource Hacker (6)

    1. VB Decompiler Icon
      VB Decompiler Visual basic decompiler

      Decompiler for Visual Basic applications which provides an environment for performing debugging.

      Features and highlights:
      • Unpacks packed application (UPX, NSPack and other EXE packers).
      • Disassembles native code procedures.
      • Syntax highlighting in decompiled code.
      • Save decompiled data to single DB file.
    2. dnSpy Icon
      dnSpy Reverse engineering

      Debugger and .NET assembly editor with advanced functions.

      Features and highlights:
      • Debugging: Step-by-step debugging, breakpoints.
      • Editing: Advanced editing features, syntax highlighting.
      • Assemblies: View, edit, decompile, analyze assemblies.
      • Search: Quickly search all code, strings, resources.
      • Code Analysis: Analyze code, detect errors, find references.
    3. Process Hacker Icon
      Process Hacker Process management

      A very advanced process manager with tons of features.

      Features and highlights:
      • System monitoring: View detailed information about processes, services, network connections and more.
      • Security: See what programs are running on your computer and which ones are connecting to the Internet.
      • Detailed information: View process and system information such as threads, handles, modules, windows and more.
      • Process control: Terminate or suspend processes and start new ones.
      • View performance: See detailed performance graphs for processes, network connections and services.
    4. DoneEx XCell Compiler Icon
      DoneEx XCell Compiler XLS converter

      Protects Excel XLS files by converting them to EXE executables and hiding formulas used.

    5. Apk Easy Tool Icon
      Apk Easy Tool APK management

      Tool to sign, compile, decompile and manage Android APK apps.

    6. Binary Viewer Icon
      Binary Viewer Binary viewer

      Advanced utility which can open and view the content of virtually any binary file with position, address, value and more available to see.

    7. Universal Extractor Icon
      Universal Extractor File extractor

      A free and universal file archiver.

    8. Universal Extractor Portable Icon
      Universal Extractor Portable File extractor

      All-around archive extraction utility with support for common file formats like 7Z, EXE, RAR, IMG, ISO and ZIP.

    9. iPhone Backup Extractor Icon
      iPhone Backup Extractor Extractor backup

      Extracts files from any iPhone, iPad, iPod or iOS iTunes backup.

    10. Pazera Free Audio Extractor Icon
      Pazera Free Audio Extractor Audio extractor

      Free and simple software to extract the audio content and audio tracks from a wide variety of video formats.

    11. Win32 Disk Imager Icon
      Win32 Disk Imager IMG writer

      Creates an exact copy/clone of a removal storage medium.

    12. Inno Setup Compiler Icon
      Inno Setup Compiler Setup builder

      Utility for creating installer packages on Windows to make an EXE file for setup on Windows.

    13. PE Explorer Icon
      PE Explorer DLL viewer

      EXE and DLL viewer, resource editor, win32 disassembler, and dependency checker.

    14. iBackup Extractor Icon
      iBackup Extractor ITunes backup

      Extract files from the iTunes backup of your iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad.

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