… voice over IP option with voicemail and firewall features. SoftPhone Client application enables users to place and receive low cost calls from any computer (PC) to any phone worldwide. The …
friends around the world SIP applications are part of this trend, allowing users to communicate using the VoIP technology. SoftPhone Client is just an example of software utilities that allow users to make and receive low-cost calls from any computer in the More about SoftPhone Client
… VOIP Phone. Use your PC as a phone. Works with any SIP/ VOIP provider.. The 3CX client for Windows is a client application for the 3CX PBX that allows users to make and receive phone calls. The app is absolutely free and takes only minutes to set up - …
at the very same time 3CXPhone Softphone for Windows provides you with a SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) / VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) software phone for your everyday use. First things first, 3CXPhone Softphone for Windows does not imply any More about 3CX Client for Windows
… voice-over-IP calls and manage contacts with virtually any VoIP provider or server directly from the PC or communicate with text messages. High quality VoIP calls via SIP. MicroSIP is a simple and easy-to-use utility that allows you to make high quality …
practical and effective application that enables you to add as many contacts as you want and perform VoIP calls or send messages to your friends The Internet radically changed communication by connecting people from all over the world. Voice calls can new More about MicroSIP
… softphone application for Windows with Voice Over IP protocol as an alternative to traditional landline telephone. An easy and user-friendly way to may calls from your PC. X-Lite is a freeware voice-over-IP telephone software application which …
… setup wizard so it's not too hard to get yourself setup. Ekiga (formely known as GnomeMeeting) is an open source SoftPhone, Video Conferencing and Instant Messenger application over the Internet. It supports HD sound quality and video up to DVD size and …
… voice-over-IP calling and telephone system with contact management, logging, call recording and more with this softphone app. A VoIP phone for Windows working over SIP protocol. PhonerLite is a clearly arranged application for Windows. PhonerLite enables …
Softphone for PC-telephony using TAPI, CAPI or SIP plus answering machine. Phoner enables voice connections to landline, cellular network and VoIP. Phoner can be used as software phone on stationary and mobile computer devices attached to analogue or …
… softphone calls using Jabra USB audio devices with Jabra Direct. Jabra Direct has a user-friendly dashboard that can be easily accessed via the Jabra Direct J-icon in the Windows Notification area. In the dashboard you will see headset and softphone …
… Noise Reduction Software for VoIP, Mobile and PBX. SoliCall has developed an innovative software that helps VoIP users to reduce unwanted noises during calls. Screaming kids? Barking dogs? Keyboard-strokes? With SoliCall it will sound less disturbing …
… desktop phone utility for VoIP calling. Nymgo is an alternative program to other VoIP clients which can make PC-to-Phone calls to virtually any telephone number on the planet, probably save for North Korea. In order to get started using Nymgo, the user is …
… toolset of privacy and anonymous browsing tools including Tor, WASTE, VoIP and MicroSIP. Anonymous browsing and online VoIP calling tools with chat. BlackBeltPrivacy is a rather complete set of tools for protecting yourself from online attacks and …
Desktop softphone application for Windows with Voice Over IP protocol as an alternative to traditional landline telephone.
Free SIP client for making video and audio calls from your desktop.
VoIP application and service with video chat, screen sharing and conference calling.
Make voice-over-IP calls and manage contacts with virtually any VoIP provider or server directly from the PC or communicate with text messages.
Software that runs a fully-featured voice-over-IP calling and telephone system with contact management, logging, call recording and more with this softphone app.
Softphone for PC-telephony using TAPI, CAPI or SIP plus answering machine.
Adds protection to browsing the web by blocking malicious connections and a range of configuration options.
Change the sound of your voice in real time when using Skype desktop.
Improves and extends the functionality of Windows Firewall.
Free phone calls all around the world.
Tool for accessing and managing Windows Firewall and its settings for denying and allowing outbound and inbound Internet connections based on filters.
Make calls between iDevices, tablets, PC and Android.
Provides real-time notification of Windows firewall behavior.
Change the sound of your voice while chatting online.