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  • TextEdit
    TextEdit Icon

    A simple text editor which can edit code in popular languages

    … text editor which can edit code in popular languages. TextEdit is a freeware, but abandoned text editing application that can deal with a number of different programming languages. To start off, TextEdit is full capable of editing popular web coding … Read more

    simple yet powerful text editor TextEdit is a freeware text editor for Windows that provides not only a tabbed interface, but also support for the most popular programming languages out there. Once installed, TextEdit greets you with a very clean interface More about TextEdit
  • Screenshots of TextEdit (12)

    1. Balabolka Icon
      Balabolka Text to speech

      The program converts text to speech and WAV/MP3 files.

      Features and highlights:
      • Text To Speech: Uses Microsoft Speech API (SAPI) to convert text into spoken audio.
      • Speech Synthesis: Uses a variety of high-quality voices from Microsoft and other vendors.
      • Voice Control: Allows you to control the reading process with hotkeys and voice commands.
      • Voice Tuning: Adjusts voice parameters such as rate, pitch, volume and pronunciation.
      • File Format Support: Supports a variety of file formats including DOC, EPUB, PDF, RTF and more.
    2. PSPad Editor Icon
      PSPad Editor Syntax highlighter

      A capable text editor aimed at programmers and coders, it offers a number of features to improve the efficiency in writing PHP, Python, CSS, HTML and many other markup and software languages.

      Features and highlights:
      • Syntax Highlighting: Colorization of text in multiple languages.
      • Code Folding: Hide and view blocks of code.
      • Unicode Support: Editing of UTF-8, UTF-16 and other unicode files.
      • Templates: Code snippets and pre-defined templates.
      • Code Navigation: Quickly locate and jump to functions, declarations and other code sections.
    3. Sublime Text Icon
      Sublime Text Code editor

      Feature-packed code editing suite and integrated development environment with built-in support for the most popular programming languages full with syntax highlighting and a high degree of customization.

      Features and highlights:
      • Multiple Selection: Allows for selection of multiple lines at once.
      • Command Palette: Comprehensive keyboard commands for faster navigation.
      • Goto Anything: Quickly jump to files, symbols and lines.
      • Split Editing: View and edit multiple files simultaneously.
      • Syntax Highlighting: Color coding for different languages.
    4. Komodo Edit Icon
      Komodo Edit Multi-language editor

      A free programmers text editor with syntax recognition supporting web languages like PHP, HTML and CSS.

    5. Visual Studio Code Icon
      Visual Studio Code Code compiler

      Source code editing with version control and syntax for many languages.

    6. RJ TextEd Icon
      RJ TextEd Text editor

      Featured-packed text and source code editor with support for syntax in several languages including HTML, PHP, C, C#, JavaScript and Perl.

    7. My Macros Icon
      My Macros Macro creator

      Easy automation software that can create scripts for performing tasks with mouse and keyboard macro recording.

    8. Atom Editor Icon
      Atom Editor Text editor

      Text editor and programmer's toolkit for clean and readable code.

    9. Highlight Icon
      Highlight Source code converter

      Provides for syntax highlighting in over 80 languages.

    10. TextAloud Icon
      TextAloud Text to speech

      Convert any text into voice and MP3 or WMA for PC or download to portable player.

    11. Text Editor Pro Icon
      Text Editor Pro Script editor

      A powerful text editor, great for developers and programmers.

    12. Quick Macros Icon
      Quick Macros Macro creator

      Functional macro creation software that can record actions and repeat them with a number of useful settings.

    13. DSpeech Icon
      DSpeech Text to speech

      Quick and simple text-to-speech (TTS) tool that can read the text that you type with some tweaks on volume, speed and pitch.

    14. jEdit Icon
      jEdit Text editor

      A programmers text editor with many great features including syntax highlighting for PHP, Perl, C, HTML and other languages.

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