… used.. Advanced users may want to quickly find out information about USB devices connected to your PC, USBDeview is the perfect choice. USBDeview provides information about devices which have been connected to your computer at virtually any point in time. … Read more
devices), the date/time that device was added, VendorID, ProductID, and more... Select version: USBDeview 3.06 (32-bit) USBDeview 3.06 (64-bit) USBDeview is a free, small-sized and portable Windows tool that shows detailed information about USB devices More about USBDeview
Displays information about connected USB devices for diagnosis.
Shows who is connected to your wireless network.
Manage connected USB devices from within the tray or context menus.
Browse through USB devices and controllers.
Simple and streamlined personal organizer with focus on adding and editing tasks as a Windows Store app.