… task scheduler for Linux called Cron, you might be pleased to find out that a similar program -- VisualCron -- has been developed for Windows. VisualCron is a handy task scheduler and planner which is remarkably easy-to-use. Not only is the program well … Read more
tasks and manage existing ones. Experienced developers can make use of the VisualCron API to execute tasks against the server within their own application. The purpose of VisualCron is to save you the time needed to perform common tasks manually. Once More about VisualCron
Small and effective macro recording and playback software.
Screen macro recording and playback software for Windows.
Record the actions of your mouse and keyword and play them back, allowing for a powerful way to automate tasks.
Software to customize keyboard and mouse hotkeys.
Records what you do and automatically creates macro scripts.
Intellisense enabled SQL editor for Oracle, DB2, SQL Server, Sybase, etc.
Portable database management with browser, editor, SQL statements.
Easily create macro functions with mouse and keyboard actions.
Handy utility application that can be used to execute SQL scripts, view structure and configure JDBC databases.
Mouse click automation application.
A system and free system scheduling application independent of Windows.
Work faster and more efficiently by using your keyboard instead of your mouse.
Automate your workspace by using this macro software by recording a certain task using your mouse and keyboard and playing it back on a schedule.
Easy automation software that can create scripts for performing tasks with mouse and keyboard macro recording.