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  • Wireshark 4.4.5
    Wireshark Icon

    The world's most popular network protocol analyzer

    … version of Wireshark. Called by some the Swiss army knife of network troubleshooting, is it by far one of the best Network sniffers available on the market and the very best among free applications. To sum it up Wireshark is an indispensable tool for any … Read more

    Wireshark is the world's awards foremost free network protocol analyzer for Windows and Unix and is the de facto (and often de jure) standard across many industries and educational institutions. Wireshark was written by networking experts around the More about Wireshark
  • Screenshots of Wireshark (6)

    1. Wireshark Portable Icon
      Wireshark Portable Network diagnostics

      Portable version of a free and open-source packet analyzer.

      Features and highlights:
      • Network protocol analyzer: Analyzes network traffic and captures packets for detailed analysis and troubleshooting.
      • Real-time monitoring: Provides real-time monitoring of network activity for immediate detection and analysis of issues.
      • Packet filtering: Allows you to apply filters to capture specific network packets of interest.
      • Deep packet inspection: Performs in-depth analysis of network protocols and packet contents.
      • Protocol decoding: Decodes various network protocols to understand their structure and content.
    2. WinPcap Icon
      WinPcap Network access

      Capture and transmit network packets bypassing the protocol stack.

      Features and highlights:
      • Protocols: Supports all major networking protocols.
      • Capturing: Advanced packet capture and analysis.
      • Remote Capture: Ability to capture packets on remote machines.
      • Statistics: Comprehensive packet statistics.
      • Filtering: Supports full capture and display filtering.
    3. Snort Icon
      Snort Network protection

      Network intrusion analyzer that performs real time auditing.

      Features and highlights:
      • Intrusion Detection System (IDS): Functions as a powerful network-based intrusion detection system for enhanced security.
      • Network Traffic Analysis: Analyzes network traffic in real-time to detect and prevent suspicious activities and potential threats.
      • Signature-based Detection: Utilizes a signature-based approach to identify known attack patterns and malicious behavior.
      • Rule-Based Alerts: Generates alerts and notifications based on predefined rules and triggers for timely threat detection.
      • Protocol Analysis: Performs detailed protocol analysis to identify anomalies and potential security breaches.
    4. Microsoft Network Monitor Icon
      Microsoft Network Monitor Network analyzer

      Useful networking sniffing and packet capturing utility which analyzes network traffic and data over Windows network connections.

    5. Microsoft Message Analyzer Icon
      Microsoft Message Analyzer Protocol implementation

      Capture, display, and analyze protocol messaging traffic.

    6. CommView for WiFi Icon
      CommView for WiFi Traffic capture

      Wireless network capturing tool on 802.11a/b/g/n adapters which analyzes and captures traffic as well as decrypting keys.

    7. Fiddler Icon
      Fiddler HTTP traffic logger

      Debug web sites and online applications by analyzing and capturing web traffic over HTTP and HTTPS connections.

    8. PRTG Network Monitor Icon
      PRTG Network Monitor Network watcher

      Network monitoring utility which displays visual elements like graphs for WiFi and LAN usage in a web browser with an array of advanced usage statistics.

    9. Network Traffic Monitor Icon
      Network Traffic Monitor Traffic monitoring

      Network monitoring application that keeps an eye on incoming and outgoing packets with the ability to receive alerts.

    10. ManageEngine Firewall Analyzer Icon
      ManageEngine Firewall Analyzer Firewall analyzer

      Web based Firewall,VPN and Proxy Server Log Analysis and reporting tool.

    11. RightMark Audio Analyzer Icon
      RightMark Audio Analyzer Audio analyzer

      Provides benchmarking tools for connected audio devices.

    12. DU Meter Icon
      DU Meter Bandwidth measurement

      Graphical display of network data transfer rates, reports, alerts and more.

    13. Traffic Shaper XP Icon
      Traffic Shaper XP Bandwidth manager

      Bandwidth management freeware for Windows 2000 and XP.

    14. BWMeter Icon
      BWMeter Bandwidth measurement

      A software application that meters your network bandwidth.

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