Wireshark portable download

(2 program downloads found)
  • Wireshark Portable 4.4.3
    Wireshark Portable Icon

    … version of a free and open-source packet analyzer. Wireshark Portable is a very popular, completely free and highly recommended network protocol analyzer. It can view data in real-time and also log the data being sent on a network to a file on disk. As …

    the malicious packets and block them. Such an application is Portable Wireshark and it comes with no price tag. Portable Wireshark features the same functions provided by Wireshark, with the sole difference that it does not need to be installed onto the More about Wireshark Portable
  • Wireshark 4.4.3
    Wireshark Icon

    … version of Wireshark. Called by some the Swiss army knife of network troubleshooting, is it by far one of the best Network sniffers available on the market and the very best among free applications. To sum it up Wireshark is an indispensable tool for any …

    Wireshark is the world's awards foremost free network protocol analyzer for Windows and Unix and is the de facto (and often de jure) standard across many industries and educational institutions. Wireshark was written by networking experts around the More about Wireshark
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