XXCopy download

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  • XXCopy 3.33.3
    XXCopy Icon

    A versatile file management tool, using XCOPY compatible command syntax

    … versatile file management tool, using XCOPY compatible command syntax. XXCOPY is a boldly extended XCOPY using the same command syntax. It is a powerful substitute to XCOPY. It … Read more

    and has a good response time. XXCOPY is licensed as freeware for PC or laptop with Windows 32 bit and 64 bit operating system. It is in file management category and is available to all software users as a free download. More about XXCopy
  • Screenshots of XXCOPY (1)

    1. FastCopy Icon
      FastCopy File copier

      Fast and simple utility that can copy files between locations and synchronize data with the option to securely delete data.

    2. Copy Handler Icon
      Copy Handler File transferring

      Takes full control of copying and moving files in Windows.

      Features and highlights:
      • Enhanced file copying: Offers advanced file copying capabilities with improved speed and efficiency.
      • Pause and resume: Allows you to pause and resume file copying tasks at any time.
      • Error handling: Automatically retries file copying in case of errors or interruptions.
      • Batch file copying: Supports copying multiple files and folders in one operation.
      • Task scheduling: Enables you to schedule file copying tasks to run at specific times or intervals.
    3. TeraCopy Icon
      TeraCopy File copier

      Free utility for Windows which moves files faster with post-tasks actions by automation and the application of certain conditions for copying operations.

      Features and highlights:
      • Fast transfers: Speed up file transfers with TeraCopy's fast copy and move capabilities.
      • Verification: Verify file integrity with checksums and data comparison.
      • Error recovery: Automatically retry failed copy operations with error recovery and resume support.
      • Advanced options: Customize the transfer process with advanced options for copying and deleting files.
      • Filter support: Filter files to include or exclude from transfer operations.
    4. Komodo Edit Icon
      Komodo Edit Multi-language editor

      A free programmers text editor with syntax recognition supporting web languages like PHP, HTML and CSS.

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