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Clipboard Master
Clipboard manager
Software tool that enhances clipboard functionality to store, manage.
CopyQ 9.1.0
Clipboard manager
Tool for managing the clipboard history and copying multiple items to the clipboard on Windows.
Multi Clipboard 24.07.27
Clipboard enhancement
A clipboard program.
Ditto 3.24.246
Clipboard synchronization
Clipboard extension which saves items so they're not overwritten.
M8 Free Multi Clipboard 31.10
Multi-item clipboard manager
Allows users to copy and store multiple items in the clipboard, improving productivity and workflow.
Path Copy Copy 20.0
File path copier
Productivity tool that simplifies the process of copying file paths from Windows Explorer to various apps.
Clip Plus 6.11
Clipboard extender
A Windows clipboard extender and enhancer.
101 Clips 31.10
Screen capture
Clipboard replacement programs which remembers up to 25 copies.
A to Z Clipboard 31.02
Neat clipboard tool which allows multiple items stored on the clipboard.
Clipboard Help and Spell 2.46.01
Clipboard capture tool with history, favorites, spelling, formatting.
Clipboard History 3.47.0
Copy-paste archive
Saves a history of items copied to the clipboard, allowing users to access.
Clipboard Magic 5.05
Clipboard manager
Enables users to manage and save multiple items copied to the clipboard.
Clipdiary 5.14
Clipboard history
Clipdiary: A utility for keeping the clipboard history.
ClipDiary Portable 5.14
Clipdiary: Clipboard utility for keeping the clipboard history.
Save.me 2.4.0
Clipboard manager
Saves items that have been copied to the Windows clipboard for later retrieval.