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ChipGenius 4.21.0701
USB Device Information: Identify information about USB devices including controller, chip vendor.
Ryzen Controller 2.6.0
Ryzen Processor: Automates PC diagnostics and optimizes performance with Ryzen processor-specific software.
FanCtrl 1.7.2
Fan Control: Automatically adjust fan speed for optimal temperature, noise.
Quick CPU
CPU Monitoring: Easily adjust and monitor CPU performance, temperature and power consumption.
USB Information: Displays detailed technical information about connected USB devices.
AI Suite III 3.00.62
System Information: PC management tool designed for ASUS motherboards, with monitoring, overclocking.
CrystalDiskInfo 9.5.0
Disk Analyzer: Keep tabs on hard drive's health and performance.
3DP Chip 25.01.1
Driver Updater: Scans computer hardware and detects missing or outdated drivers.
Fan Control 212
Fan Speed Controller: Adjust fan speeds to maintain optimal temperature in PC.
BlueScreenView 1.55
Minidump Scanner: Helps diagnose blue screen of death errors by analyzing crash dump files, displaying critical information for debugging.
USB Device Tree Viewer 4.4.4
USB Controller: Explore and diagnose USB devices.
CPU-Z 2.13
CPU Information: Provides detailed information about the computer's central processing unit (CPU).
Intel Processor Identification Utility 7.0.4
Processor Identification: Provides detailed information about the processor.
HWiNFO 8.20.5640
System Information: Provides detailed and information about computer's hardware components for in-depth system analysis.
AI Suite II 1.02.15
System Information: Suite of software tools for optimizing and monitoring ASUS motherboards and other system components.